
It is my second post in word press.. I did  not think word press will have an article like this..I request the word press managers to look into this article before letting this words going to the web world.

For the person reading this…this is an article which has strong language,and reality so i advice you to mentally prepare for it..thank you

In this post i’d like to tell you about things which happen everywhere in the world,at each and every place each living organism experiences these.

Coming to the point, the title of the post fright, feeling,fuck.  If you take a bit closer look at the words, you may find that they can be linked with some emotion and thought.  You being frightened of something is an emotion which is processed from the thought that you tend to be afraid of something. All you need to understand is that you will be frightened when you feel you cannot get the thing you want or you may be physically/mentally treated in a bad way(harassment). Other than that there is no other reason for a person to be afraid of something.

Feeling- this is something which every person has,and should have. It is something which is implanted by default. It is not possible to remove it,we can only vary your feelings but cannot remove them. I feel the nature is symmetric and has simple answers YES and NO to every question. But it is the man who complicate things to the extremes and try to experiment with each and everything he has.

Relationships are made from and by feelings like the electronic goods (mostly) which have the tag ‘ MADE IN CHINA’. But the point is that every feeling you actually develop will have its roots from the relation itself.

Fuck- The most beautiful and admirable word i’ve never met in English language. I actually hated this word,when i’m a stupid boy when i began to learn the things on my own, I found this is the word which is necessary to express many of my emotions and feelings. So i actually fell in love with this word and started to learn the meaning of this very word and found that i’m stuck many miles away from  my mind and began to enjoy life with this word.

With a plate and chicken with some drink in the front,i’m writing these words because im in love with words than food..i dono why..

LOVE is a word which has the largest number of meanings.In those meanings you find 90% related to attraction,romance. To me i’m comfortable with LUST than LOVE,FUCK than the formal word for it.

The reason for it is I speak my reality,of course many people ‘s reality.. According to me LUST is genuine than LOVE.. LOVE has LUST but LUST doesn’t have love in it..that is what i feel.. Coming to the EMOTION of FUCK I feel one should realize it is word with a lot emotion and originality in it. From the movies that I saw, i’ll tell you fact(fact according to me) there can be many reasons to smile,but when you cry you have really very limited reasons which are true absolutely,and no questions in it.  So have faith in pain!!!! it is reality and in fact it is the only reality.

Now let me tell you the link between these words.

You see a girl/boy (im not talking about gay/lesbian kinda people,take the case as straight) when you like them physically,this is what happens all cases. You have lust on them,this is due to the fact that opposite poles attract. When you really want to fuck ’em up, when you have this kinda mind state you actually tend to develop a relation. You’ll encourage your mind for all f*kin ideas to really f*ck or get f*cked. It is my friend who actually said to me about the ‘wild’ nature of women. I know the ‘wild’ nature of man. So now from the feeling called LUST you developed some emotional thought called FUCK!!

Now the story is more interesting,just think if the person you thinking fucking also thinks of you,and fuck what will be the result, it is something called FRIGHT…AFRAID.. According  to me,to support your fucking thought you should be bold!! But I don’t find that in many. There may be reasons for it(may be HIV is one reason) . The fright for parents in the eastern countries..i guess the reason why people are not able to enjoy life. FUCK & FORGET is one policy or idea which many people like but are afraid to actually put it into practice.

When people decide to live together, they should check their genital status too…i guess the main reason and the climax of love..

parents,  children,   responsibilities,   love,   lust,   fuck,   fright,   emotions,   pressure,   suicidal tendency fear of being rejected,   psychological disorders,   death,   heaven intercourse,   pain,   satisfaction are all related.

I wana have a full stop as large as possible as deep as possible to avoid these…  lets have an “ANTI EMOTION” which can control our emotion!!!!

Billion Inspirations to become a Billonaire

This is my first post on word press..very excited to share my views on word press. Coming to my first post on WordPress, Billion inspirations to become a billionaire, i’d like share my thoughts about the word “Billionaire”, ways that i analyzed it.

Coming to the inspirations which made me write this article are the billionaires listed this year by the Forbes magazine. When me and my friend were having a look at the magazine’s billionaires, i found some interesting things which made think and gave encouragement to try and do something new. When you have a look at the Forbes magazine you find the list of billionaires..thats a common thing…

But when you actually  view their profiles,you actually come to know about their past,and this is important because it tells about the capability of the person,to become a billionaire. One of the interesting fact is that, many billionaires are college or university “DROP OUTS”  and another interesting think is number of Russian billionaires are high!!!

To become a billionaire i guess you need to have an idea,the process to implement it,the platform where you present it and thats the way you become rich…



!!!it is an its_vishu post!!!

Hello world!

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Let me tell you the something which I feel and felt…at some point of life listening to music…

I dedicate this article to one of my favorite music personalities…Michael Jackson.

In this article, the point is about  the music of the west(the present day) or for most of you the general music thing.

People migrate to US because it has readiness, which no country would least the third economy countries..Another reason,I think is the World War 2,because many people , migrated to western countries, and the present day people( their grand children) are the citizens of those countries,and as you know though the persons leave this planet,their genes never leave and,are transferred to their off-springs and from them to their next generations and so on..This is the whole point of the article..

Coming to the bull’s eye,of this page..which you are reading.. I have a question for you.. The question is:

Please note, when I say  “migrate” I mean the migrants during the second world war or the before generations during ’60’s and 70’s
This is my point on which I’d like to share on my thoughts….

  I have some artists pics and some information about them and from the information that I understood, the future generations of the migrated ones  did something which won Grammy’s for them and of course for their country.
  And, when you check the history of Africa,Asia and many western countries, You find the first two to be very OLD parts of the world,exploited by the man since the very old ages..I do not know the reason why man chose to exploit those before.
The things(Asia & Africa) began to get old and old and people became explorers search new lands to live in,and man discovered many new places,and also build settlements in them. Now,they are the countries!!!

“migration music” has a meaning which means,music is migrated as people who knew music were migrated,the combination of native music with the music thought at the universities,is what we are actually listening everyday…..
Michael Jackson

King of Pop Michael Jackson

This article is dedicated to King of Pop


In this post let me tell you,what iv’e been talking in my previous posts things about MIND and THOUGHT in an organised way.  The mind(your mind) is independent of people around you,it is your mind and doesn’t require any other things. But a thought which is different,lives in its own world and takes you to its fascination point which I call the thought’s fascination.  For a thought to start your mind needs an experience,and for that to happen you need to fraternize yourself with the “organisms”** round you. Your thought needs an inspiration,an event which in the course of time become experiences and your brain has more than 10gigabyte’s  memory to store it.
** iv’e used the word organisms which according to me in this context means it includes both the living and non living.

I think a person can feel the real world, only if his thought and body are connected. In other words your body and thought should synchronize or hyper linked in a particular way. Your thought lives a life of its own, but for the thought to rise you need an experience(physical one), so your mind will begin its analysis of the situation. When you do a particular action, its your mind which analysis the whole action. Coming to the ‘theta’ of life, you have or you possess some energy(your mind) and world around you has some energy, so when you interact with the world around you, it is the energy in you that is been exchanged and that energy you gain may change your thought process.

The thought is an energy which is developed into an idea and it has the capacity to change everything round you and your neighbour. My point is that an idea is the thing which is going to change anything if it is used or implemented in a way. We cannot understand an idea and its origin until we understand its roots. Let me tell you the origin of an idea is the starting and the roots are the experiences. The roots of any idea are from the experiences you gather. Remember always,your ideas and thoughts are really very sharp and the words like “BAD idea” and “GOOD idea” do not exist. Its the person who uses them for BAD or GOOD!!!!

Thoughts are always hyper linked and have a connection and its the thought process of  the person through which the ideas generate or cease.. Ideas navigate from a person to another person through different mediums. A medium can be anything which establishes a relation or engages 2 minds. Studying your thoughts is important. It is only through that you’ll be able to organize your thoughts in a better way..although they are organized. Thinking and relating things always can improve your thought process  and this is very important for us.




The main inspirations for writing this post are Mark Zuckerberg , Jimmy Wales , Bill gates , Sony corporation , Nokia . 

    When i saw the movie “The Social Network” i was amazed that things like those happened in places which take 24*60 minutes from my place . Then i wondered why things like those happen in my place, i did not get any answer to my question. So i began to think incidents like or similar to those in the movie social network happened anywhere round the globe. I found an answer, and the answer is Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
   When I wanted to relate them i related them with the connection of a word called “COMPUTER”.
Now my thoughts ran around the word Computer,i don’t want to tell the history of it. But i’ll tell you the relation between Computer,movies,humans. We people made computers,we make movies and watch them in computer..The best part is that we make movies on real stories(SOCIAL NETWORK FOR EXAMPLE) and watch that in a computer. So now my point is how is that information(the movie) reached you???
 The answer to that is TECHNOLOGY AND MARKETING. 
If i compare a product with a man who has flesh and bones, the bone is technology and the flesh is marketing. When you go deeper into the technical aspects of the product, now-a-days the products are made from electronics. The theory of it is limited and the applications of it are vast. The advantage i see in the electronic products is that they have a huge market potential particularly the CONSUMER ELECTRONICS . if you take any electronic product  these days it has something called programming in it.
 programming is also important and now the world is moving on technology and marketing. I guess this is the only thing which is dominating anything round the globe. Without electronic these days there is only a candle and some mechanical things that’s it.. 
 My thoughts stopped by a conclusion that  to become a billionaire you choose technology  and marketing. Otherwise to become a billionaire your dad has to be a trillionaire* ( because people days spend money in the useless things and eat the money of the parents for sure)
 words like trillionaire do not exist!!!!



Option:one thing which can be chosen from a set of possibilities, or the freedom to make a choice .

Choice:to decide what you want from two or more things or possibilities

 When you get to see these words,both the words show up to be the same but they are not here to teach you here to tell the pathetic situation of Indian students,in the way that i see them to be.
programming,outsourcing,managing,clients,foreign trips,team works,projects etc are the commonly used terms..the words mentioned are the words that i know,in the “IT”industry,which is the major industry in India,for the past 10-12 years.Computer Science Engineering’s(CSE) golden age.when you look into a common engineering college,established recently in 2000’s you will find CSE as one branch.
 You can also find other branches of engineering,But without CSE a college will not start its programs.
I find the reason for CSE in every college,the most common branch to be the economical bandwidth of its labs,staff availability etc.
The other most important thing is that the job opportunities in this area have sprung in the last decade with south India becoming the hub for the so called “IT” industry.
The parents think job is the main criteria,and also a job in early 20’s of a person means he is “settled”
and i just hate it..the word “settled”.
the colleges do not have the staff  with expertise,students with interest libraries without books,fans & lights without power,you know it is worst to do things when you do not have any interest.
you write programs,and do not run those in computers,you read 1000 pages of code without testing it.
 There is logic to everything in this world,and so the program has a logic and i see the people mugging that p..its so stupid..
the other branches of engineering do not have such a great importance in India compared to CSE.
I wana ask the people,if there are jobs only in the “IT” then why you people are offering other disciplines???
And another question is that, what will a student of electronics or pharmacy do in company which does coding for foreign companies..
Hate the way the things are..whatever discipline you go into all of us finally merge into the “IT” industry. 
And i advice all students who are doing there graduation to learn coding and develop codes for yourself,which will help you in earning the green papers which have leaders’ pics on it.